Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat

Kemenkes Hebat, Indonesia Sehat


Transformation Primary Service Transformation is the first pillar in Indonesia's health transformation, which in its implementation focuses on strengthening preventive promotive activities to create more healthy people, improve health screening and increase primary service capacity.

In practice, the main focus can be broken down into 4 things, including:

  1. Population Education, namely by strengthening the role of cadres, campaigning, and building movements, using digital platforms and community leaders.
  2. Primary Prevention, this is done by adding routine immunizations to 14 antigens and expanding coverage throughout Indonesia.
  3. Secondary Prevention, namely by screening the 14 diseases that cause the highest death in each age target, screening, stunting, & increasing ANC for maternal and infant health
  4. Improving the Capacity and Capability of Primary Services, by revitalizing the network and standardizing services at Puskesmas, posyandu, and home visits.